IDX Pt Dynamic Wrapper bot

The dynamic wrapper bot is an on demand service designed to gather HTML from out client's websites to server to wrap the tools we host on their behalf.

Why does the wrapper bot access your site

One or more pages on your website have been entered into our system by yourself or a designer working on your behalf. Within our control panel you are given the ability to use a URL or "dynamic" wrapper to seemlessly integrate your IDX Broker Platinum with your website. When this wrapper is stored on your own server in this fashion our tools must go and fetch the HTML that comprises it periodically.

How often does the wrapper bot access your site

Unless you or your developer are making changes to your wrapper the bot will cache the information it gathers for three (3) hours at a time. As such you should not see traffic from the bot more often than twice per wrapper per three hour period. Keep in mind that if you have multiple different wrappers set up in the IDX system then you will see traffic from the bot for each one.

Stopping the wrapper block from accessing your site.

Under most circumstances the way to stop traffic from the wrapper bot is to change your wrapper settings within the IDX control panel. By using a static wrapper you will eliminate the need for our system to gather HTML from your site. If you believe that the wrapper bot is crawling your site in error please contact IDX support.